Top | Primark
Studded Bag | Primark
Shoes | Matalan
A bit of a different outfit from me... and you might spot it's in a bit of a different location too! I'll be officially moving house (probably as you're reading this) to a new city (...20 minutes away. Nothing overly interesting!). So, welcome to my currently empty lounge! I took these photos as I had a few spare hours between reading my book, which ended abysmally, and eating fake Wotsists as I camped out waiting for our mattress to arrive. Oh the joys of being an adult / actually having to buy such things.
Anyway, onto the outfit. Much like my life will hopefully be soon (when I actually find a job), this outfit feels a bit more grown up. These jeans remind me of the Topshop Mom jeans that everyone's moved onto now (bye bye Jonis!). They are a little tight on my legs, more like straight leg jeans, but they should loosen up with wear. They're from Hidden Fashion and are just £9.99 - a brand I've spoken about before on my blog here. Their prices are insanely cheap and can pick up some real trendy little gems and delivery has always been speedy when I've ordered from them! I paired them with some silver cigarette heeled shoes, which I actually bought for interviews last year. But as I've seen these kind of shoes styled with boyfriend style jeans so much recently I thought I'd give it a go!
Well, back to packing my life up! I'm hoping to really get back into blogging while I'm looking for a job, as things have been a bit quieter over here recently as I've been so busy. So, hopefully you'll see more regular posts and comments from me while I have some free time. I really have missed reading and commenting on your blogs!