Dress | New Look | £11
Jacket | via next2nowt.com | old!
Satchel (not pictured!) | Daisy Street | Won in a competition
So, here is what I'll currently be sporting on the train down to London for the Company Style Blogger Awards! Fingers and tootsies crossed that this dress isn't a creasy bugger. I was SO happy when I spotted this little baby, it had been mis-labelled and was actually my size (lucky old me). For 11 squids I think I got a right old bargain there! I don't usually wear white, as more often than not it looks like a continuation of my skin... but I think because of the blue china print thing goin' on here it looks alright because I've got quite a yellowy pale complexion.
You might notice, I'm not wearing heels. This might be an absolute travesty to some of you, but there's no way I can traipse around London in heels. I'm really no good in them these days! I have feeble Bambi legs, so boots just feel more homely for my feet and not as risky (I'm so clumsy, I have actually effectively broken my knee before, so let's not do that again!). I'll save the heels for a night out when I'm feeling braver!
Let me know what you guys think!