I finally got round to putting into action an idea I've had for a while now - my monthly Fashion Finds. In Youtube land, it's super popular for people to do monthly favourites videos. They're genuinely useful things and I wanted to do my own take on it. So I thought I'd start my own fashion based monthly favourites(ish) kinda videos / posts. For those of you who enjoy posts, I'll still write these in post format; for video-watchers, you watch me flail some purty shoes and clothes infront of a camera. The basic idea is that I share with you at the end of each month the things I've bought (usually bargains!) and loved recently. It's a handy little way of showing you what I've been wearing most often or things that are simply super for the price. I hope it's useful! So, here goes, the first of many Fashion Finds (poor name, but my alliteration skills only get me so far)!

In March I've bought quite a lot of stuff. Oopsie. It's definitely time for an ebay / charity shop wardrobe cull again! But my two best buys have been a rather spikey pair of boots and a simple little number from Primark. I've been really into minimalistic outfits recently, so the oversized tees that Primark are currently stocking are perfect. I've grabbed black and grey ones and they're so comfortable. Even better - they're just £3.50. I won't go on about them too much as I'm sure you've already heard me prattling on about these!

The spikey dazzlers are surprisingly comfortable. I've not worn them a lot yet but I definitely see them as my new go-to boots for dressier outfits. I couldn't believe they were only £8 and sadly I couldn't stop myself from buying them for that price! The quality is similar to New Look I'd say and I had no issues with the seller - '*^*$ A SMOOTH TRANSACTION *$&*' as those savvy fellows say on eBay..

Tops | Primark

I'd love to know what you think of this new feature! As I said in the video - it's my first one, so if I've missed out any important deets that you'd like to know then please do say so! By the way I've made my photo larger for this post, if you prefer them this size let me know (wow, you guys have a lot to comment on here haha!)


  1. ohhh those boots are amaaaaaazing!xx

    1. They're pretty amazing but a bit dangerous hah!xx

  2. i like the new size of the photos, really like that style of tops! :D


    Kamila xx

  3. Those boots are gorgeous, I love really simple tops too, so easy to dress up and down! x

    1. Yes! Simple = best especially on lazy days :) x

  4. Those shoes are super amazing! I'd totally be off to get some if I could walk in heels. Have you tried scoring the bottom with some scissors or a knife to give them a bit of grip? :) I love the idea of this video, I can't wait to see next months now! :) xxx

    1. Ahh yeah I've tried that trick on other shoes! I might give it a go! Thanks so much :D xx

  5. I love the large photo! And those boots are aboslutley gorgeous :) xxx

  6. Super comfoertable tshirt! Grey is absofuckinglutely it

  7. those boots are properly amazing! x

  8. omg, the boots are incredible!

  9. Loving the Spikey McSpikersons! I do like a good bargain dear Chobyn so this feature is certainly a keeper! McLovin' it! xxx

  10. Monthly favourites are great! Really help to see what I could buy :)

    Thank you, great post!

    Mona xx

  11. great boots!! I've also spent a little too much in march! (oopsy)


    B xxx

  12. I love your videos Robyn, you're so adorablz!! I think I'd need grip on the bottom of those shoes or I'd do a Gaga and go flying haha! ;)

    The Style Rawr - UK Fashion and Style Blog

    1. Haha thanks Tara ;) oh I wish they had been grippier just for that one moment haha!xx




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