I'm sure you've all spotted other bloggers sporting the Matalan and Primark alternatives to the Topshop Vectras. I actually have the Matalan flats, but they need wearing in! All I seem to have found is black studded loafers. A bit samey really. However, in Exeter the other weekend I was rather taken by a beautiful pair of leopard print spiked loafers. The price tag wasn't all so enticing though...

  So, out of pure curiosity (I swear - I don't have any intention of buying these), I had a quick snoop on the net to see what I could find and these were the outcome. Not only did I come across leopard print variety of these shoes, but 3 other colourways from the same seller at just £9.70. Ok, so they're not as cheap as the similar £8 black studded pair in Primark, but I love the pop of colour that these shoes could easily add to an outfit.

I should also add, I've made a Facebook page today for the blog, despite my general lack of enthusiasm for Facebook these days, I'd love for you to like it - I don't know what the bleedy heck I'm doing, but it's a better platform to interact with readers, so I thought I'd give it a go! Click here to have a gander!


  1. I really like the burgundy coloured ones(: x

  2. I would happily welcome all four of these beauts into my wardrobe, it's such a shame I'm too much of a shortie for flats! Ha.
    Mel x


    1. Aw I bet they'd look cute on you though! Never too short for flats / too tall for heels in my opinion ha :) xx

  3. LOVE this post, I love a bargain, I've just 'watched' the blue pair on ebay Thankyou!!
    New follower


  4. woweee what a bargain! so pretty!! x

  5. wowww bargain!love the orange ones <3 Aldo just robbed me £60 for mine booo

  6. I love your blog and all your bargain finds, they're so helpful! Just stumbled across it today an followed. I'd love if you checked out my blog an shared any hought or tips you might have for blogging! :) http://blondeonblondie.blogspot.ie/

    1. Ah brilliant :) So glad to hear this! I'll take a look :)!

  7. hi girl!
    i love your style and your blog! now i'm following you.. do u want follow me? :)
    kiss, juliette




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