Hello everyone,
   I just wanted to introduce myself! My name is Georgina and I am going to be doing a few posts whilst the lovely Robyn is in Tenerife. (lucky!) I thought the best way to introduce myself is with a questions and answers summary, so here it goes.
Who is Georgina, and what is Little Miss Sunshine Style?
I am Georgina, I am 20 years old. I have a background in beauty therapy, but changed my career path to e-commerce, I am now a website merchandiser for clothing! My job means that I am in charge for my department when it comes to anything website related (bar actually buying the products) so I manage promotional creative, making sure we have appropriate marketing coverage, assessing sales figures and click rates etc. As I have both a background in clothing and beauty 'Little Miss Sunshine' is my outlet! It contains snippets of my life, DIY, beauty reviews, my lookbook and anything else I want to ramble on about. I also own an online jewellery boutique Jimmy and his girl with my boyfriend. 

Where does the name 'Little Miss Sunshine' come from?
It's what my boyfriend calls me, I also think it comes from my love of sunshine and all things 'tan'

Why did you begin to blog?
When I left college in 2010 I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do, In my last few weeks of college I was only going in a day a week and I didn't have a job. I had decided at this point that beauty therapy wasn't for me as a career path, but I didn't know what was! I then bought my first copy of Vogue and things became a little clearer... I've always loved clothes, but I never was that passionate, I never thought I had the 'stylist flair' - At this point though I knew I wanted to work in clothing! Going back to college and then uni wasn't really an option for me, I don't really get on with education, so I began reading blogs to get my fashion fix! I then plucked up the courage to start my own!

What's your greatest blog achievement?
I know it sounds really cheesy, but I am proud that people actually read my blog. All of my followers mean the absolute world to me, and although they may not know it, I am always snooping on their blogs too. But if I had to pick a certain landmark, I think when I was contacted by George at Asda that was pretty big. They asked me to review an item of clothing, and I must say I felt so privileged. 

How do you know Robyn?
Robyn and I come from the same hometown, I am also best friends with her big sis!
 Ps. Robyn: I asked Georgina to do a little introductory post for you all, as I love a little nosey into the life / reasons behind the blogger / blogging! She's also been kind enough to do another post for me, which will be popping up on your feeds in the next few days.


  1. Lovely floral trousers!


  2. Fab post, love your floral trousers! Hope Robyn is having a lovely time x




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